The Dangers of a Bowing Foundation Wall

Bowing Foundation Wall

Have you noticed cracks on your foundation wall? These are some of the early signs of a bowing foundation wall. This is a serious problem that is caused by inward pressure acting against the foundation wall.

In many instances, the inward pressure is caused by soil or water in the soil. The bowing occurs when the pressure against the wall exceeds the strength of the wall to counteract it. The result is the inward bowing of the wall.

Why You Should Be Concerned

If you’ve noticed that you have a bowing foundation wall, it is important to get it attended to as soon as possible. The following are some reasons why bowing of the foundation walls shouldn’t be ignored:

  1. The wall may collapse

Ignoring the foundation wall is not the answer. Your situation will not get any better. It is only bound to get worse. If not attended to as soon as possible, the foundation wall is likely to collapse under the pressure acting against it. Your foundation is an integral part of your building. If it collapses, your building will not have the support it did before and is likely to collapse as well.

  1. Fixtures and pipes will be damaged

Whether the wall collapses or not, it will affect the fixtures and pipes that run along or within it. The bowing may result in bending of fixtures or increased pressure on fixtures. This will result in damage that can be expensive to repair. The damage may also result in a chain reaction of different problems including risks of electrocution, burst gas pipes and much more.

  1. Bowing may result in moisture problems

Wall cracks often characterize a bowing foundation wall. These cracks allow water from the surrounding soil to seep through. This will result in water problems in the basement including mold infestations, damp, rot, flooding and much more. These problems are not only a nuisance but may affect your health. They are also quite expensive to recover from.

  1. Bowing causes other structural problems

Even if the bowing in your foundation wall doesn’t appear severe, the truth is that it will cause other structural problems. You may experience sticking of windows or doors, cracks in doorways and other structural problems.

It is always a good idea to have a bowing foundation wall repaired as soon as you notice it. This will prevent the development of even more serious problems. Contact us today!