Bowing Walls: What Do I Do? Columbus, OH

Bowed basement walls result from too much pressure pushing up against basement walls. The pressure can build up from any number of factors including heavy rain, poor drainage in the soils surrounding the basement walls, buildup of underground water or inadequate grading of the basement walls.

When soil absorbs water, it expands. The same applies to the soil surrounding your basement walls. The expanding soil therefore presses against the foundation walls resulting in the buildup of pressure on the walls.

If the pressure continues unchecked, the walls will begin to cave in. Damage on the walls may begin as a horizontal crack or a leak in the foundation joints. If the problem is left unaddressed, the walls will begin to bow inward. These walls will eventually collapse causing your home to become unstable.

What You Shouldn’t Do

First of all, it is important to remember that fixing bowed walls is not a ’Do-It-Yourself’ job. It is something that you ought to leave to a professional foundation repair contractor. A professional will have the right training, skills, experience and equipment to repair bowing walls.

Trying to fix your own walls is dangerous and may end in a catastrophe for you and your home. Professionals are trained and understand the safety measures to take to ensure that there are no accidents.

It is also important to remember that quick fixes will not address the underlying problem with your foundation. So ensure that you have a long-term solution to save your foundation and your home. Applying quick fixes will only result in a more expensive problem as the damage continues to get worse.

What You Should Do

If you notice that you have bowing walls, contact a professional foundation repair contractor in your area as soon as possible. The contractor will come to your home and inspect the foundation walls. Then he will provide you with an estimate of how much it would cost to repair the wall.

Avoid using a contractor who gives you a quotation for the job without examining your foundation. A thorough examination of the foundation is the only way to identify the underlying problem and determine the best solution for the basement wall repair.

It is important to begin your search for foundation repair contractors as early as possible. This will ensure that you can shop around and compare prices and services. You will find a reliable contractor when you have enough time to look for one.

bowed brick wall

Using StablWall to Repair Bowed Brick Wall

Bowed Brick Wall

Any foundation wall problems in your home need to be treated as fast as possible. One of the most common problems associated with a new structure is bowed walls. A bowed brick wall is a warning sign of more underlying foundation problems. These problems could be caused by lateral pressure, clay brick, house settling, and tree root damage among other issues.

The problem with a bowing wall problem is the fact that most homeowners will not notice it until it is too late. In fact, most of these problems are discovered by contractors looking for causes of water entry, mold or other issues. All these are problems that emanate from bowing of the foundation walls, hence the need for quick repairs.

If you have noticed warning signs including uneven floors, water seepage into the basement, brick wall cracks among others, it is important to immediately call in a foundation contractor who will carry out a thorough inspection and recommend the best way forward.

Leveraging Carbon Fiber Technology

One of the most popular solutions to deal with a bowed foundation is using StablWall carbon fiber technology. This is a carbon fiber technology-based foundation wall repair system. It includes carbon fiber sheets that are bonded to the affected walls to prevent any further movement. Carbon fiber technology has been found to be 10X stronger than steel and provides a permanent solution to the problem.

There are many other advantages of using this technology over any other in foundation repairs. Take a look:

  1. Cost-savings: Unlike piering and other wall repair solutions, StablWall does not involve extensive excavations. This saves you a lot of money that would have otherwise gone into the cost of hiring equipment and personnel for the job.
  2. Stability: This foundation wall repair method offers a permanent solution to bowing. Carbon fiber sheets used will not stretch or corrode meaning the strength they provide is permanent.
  3. Low maintenance: No maintenance is required to the treated walls. Once the carbon fiber sheets are in place, you don’t have to worry about repairs because this is a permanent solution.
  4. Ease of installation: Unlike other solutions to a bowed brick wall, carbon fiber technology is easy to install. All you need are the carbon fiber sheets that will be fixed on the affected walls and permanently glued together with a special epoxy.

StablWall is one of the most popular construction technologies and you can now use it to give your house more strength and protect it from further deterioration.

bowed brick wall

Can My Bowed Brick Wall Be Saved?

Bowed Brick Wall

When home owners notice that they have a bowed brick wall, they’ll want to know if they can save their foundation or not. Replacing a foundation can be extremely expensive. The good news for homeowners is that most foundation walls can be saved.

Why your foundation wall is bowing

Foundation walls often bow as a result of high pressure exerted on them by the surrounding soil. This often occurs when the soil surrounding the foundation walls is saturated with water. This may occur when:

  1. Gutters and downspouts are damaged or blocked, allowing water to overflow and collect near the foundation of the house.
  2. The land surrounding the home slopes towards the home’s foundation, allowing water to flow towards the foundation of the home when it rains or when the water sprinklers are turned on.
  3. Snow is allowed to collect near the foundation of the home. When the snow melts the soil below, it becomes saturated with water.

What to Do

One of the first signs that home owners notice when their foundation walls are bowing is cracks. In a bowed brick wall, the cracks take on a stair-like pattern. This is because the cracks follow the weakest parts of the wall, which is between the bricks.

If you notice cracks in your foundation, get in touch with a professional foundation repair contractor. Those cracks will not go away if you wait and the bowing will only get worse. If the problem is arrested in its early stages of development, the foundation repair contractor can provide you with a simple solution.

In many cases, a bowed brick wall can be stabilized. This may involve the use of a restraint system such as carbon fiber strips or steel beams depending on your requirements and the recommendations of your contractor.

The choice of stabilization system to be used on your wall will depend on what you want to achieve as well as the conditions that you’re working with. For example, if you intend to use your basement as a living space in future, carbon fiber strips would be your best option. They can be painted over and don’t take a lot of room.

Your contractor may suggest the straightening of your wall. This is often preserved for when the bowing is great. The process involves excavating the soil around the foundation and straightening the wall. The soil is then backfilled.

Tips for Repairing Bowed Brick Wall | Macedonia, OH

A simple search on the internet will tell you that there is a lot of information about repair and maintenance of poured concrete foundations. This is probably because many modern houses feature poured concrete foundations. However, if you live in an older house, you probably have a brick wall as your foundation. If this is the case, read on for tips on what to do if you discover your foundation wall is bowing or bulging.

  1. Find a contractor with experience in brick wall foundations

Dealing with brick walls isn’t the same as dealing with poured concrete foundations. These walls have different characteristics. It is therefore important to use a contractor that is not only experienced in repairing foundations but also with brick wall foundations. This will ensure the best results.

  1. Determine the level of bowing or bulging

How far has your wall bulged? This will determine whether you should consider repairing your foundation wall or opt for replacing the bowed brick wall. As a rule of thumb, bowing that exceeds 2 inches indicates serious structural breach to the wall. If your wall has bulged this much, you ought to be considering replacing your wall and not just repairing it.

  1. Research different methods for repairing brick walls

There are different methods that can be used to repair a failing brick wall. It is important to consider all the methods available and determine what will suit you best. This means researching methods for reinforcing the wall and other waterproofing systems to ensure long term results. Talk to the contractor of your choice to ensure that you choose the method that meets your requirements.

Popular Methods for Brick Wall Repair

  • Wall anchors

This is one of the oldest methods for brick wall repair. It is used to stabilize walls. It involves the installation of a large steel plate on the outside surface of the foundation wall. Long steel rods are then passed through the buried plate, through the wall and into the basement. They are tightened on the inside of the foundation wall. The resistance works to straighten the wall.

  • Steel channels

These are used where a lot of movement has occurred. The steel beams are anchored to foundation footing and bolted to a steel bracket that is installed between the floor joists.

  • Carbon fiber strips

This is the least invasive method for repairing foundation walls. They are also quite affordable. These strips are installed on the wall to provide resistance and prevent further bowing.