Philadelphia, PA | StablWall

Are Your Walls Cracking? Here’s What Can Help | Philadelphia, PA


Foundation walls whether constructed from brick, masonry block or poured concrete are built to withstand a lot of pressure. However, just like with anything else man-made, they have a limit to the abuse they can take.

Foundation walls are designed to withstand vertical pressure from the buildings placed above them. They can withstand a horizontal pressure to a certain degree. Soil pressure works horizontally against the external surface of the foundation wall. When the soil pressure exceeds the limits of resistance of the foundation wall, the wall can be severely damaged.

Pressure from the surrounding soil causes horizontal movement of the foundation walls. The movement is manifested as cracking walls. The cracks can lead to water seepage as well as above grade damage if not attended to.

Repairing Cracking Walls

Often times, cracking is a sign of a much deeper problem. Although many DIY kits are now available in the market to help repair cracks, foundation experts advise against using these kits. This is because the kits do not address the underlying cause of the cracks.

The method used to repair a cracked foundation will depend on the amount of movement the wall has experienced. Repair for minimal movement often involves the use of a restraint system such as steel braces or carbon fiber strips. Significant movement calls for the straightening of the wall.

Philadelphia, PA | StablWall

When wall straightening is called for

Foundation experts will examine your walls to determine whether straightening is required. The signs they look for will depend on the type of foundation wall you have.

  1. Concrete block and brick foundations

These walls may require straightening much sooner than poured concrete walls. This is because they are built from pieces that are joined together. This presents several points of weakness. Cracks on these walls appear stair-like. Foundation experts will opt to straighten these walls if they move more than 1 inch laterally or 2 and a half inches inward.

  1. Poured concrete foundations

These foundations are much stronger than most. However, they can still be damaged by lateral pressure from the soil. Foundation experts often opt to straighten these walls when they have moved inward more than 30% of the thickness of the wall e.g. a 10-inch thick wall would be considered for straightening if it had moved 3 inches inward.

If you notice cracking on your foundation wall, get in touch with a professional foundation repair contractor. This will ensure that you’re provided with a lasting solution.

Why StablWall Can Provide Better Support Than Steel Beams | New York, NY

New York, NY | StablWall


StablWall vs. Steel Beams

Repairing a failing foundation is something every homeowner dreads. The fact that this is the structure that supports your precious investment means any damage to the same portends danger. Luckily, advances in construction technology now provide more effective solutions to foundation damage.

While steel beams have been the most commonly used stabilization system, StablWall carbon fiber technology is set to revolutionize how foundation walls are repaired in future. The StablWall vs. Steel Beams argument has been ranging in the construction industry and it is good to get some insight before calling in a foundation contractor.

Steel Beams for Foundation Support

If you have talked to a foundation contractor, they might have suggested steel beams to repair your foundation. Steel piers have been used for decades to stabilize bowing and bulging foundations. Of course, steel has been hailed for its strength and the fact that it is not prone to rust. Steel beams are drilled into the walls and the walls are held in position using a wooden plate. The plate can be tightened regularly in case there is soil movement around the basement walls.

New York, NY | StablWall

Stablwall Carbon Fiber Technology

This is an advanced wall repair technology that capitalizes on the strength of carbon fiber to bring back the strength of your walls. StablWall carbon fiber technology involves carbon fiber strips that are bonded to the damaged wall to prevent any further movements.

The fiber strands are parallel to each other and when interwoven, they have 10 times more strength than steel beams. This means the wall is not only repaired but its strength is also enhanced. Carbon fiber can either be in strips or sheets depending on the size of the damaged wall and once it bonds to the wall, the impact is permanent.

StablWall vs. Steel Beams: Which is Better?

When comparing StablWall vs. steel beams, it becomes apparent that carbon fiber technology is superior. Take a look at some of the reasons contractors are opting for StablWall technology as opposed to steel beams:

  1. More strength
  2. Less visibility on the walls
  3. Quick and easier installation as no excavation is required
  4. Low-maintenance repair system
  5. Affordability

Carbon fiber has been used in the aerospace industry for decades and it has taken the construction industry by storm. When talking to different contractors about foundation repair at your home, make sure you mention StablWall technology and if they have no clue, keep looking.

Bowing Cinder Block | Philidelphia, PA | StablWall

Repair a Bowing Wall | New York, NY

When you see cracks forming on your foundation wall, the first thing you should do is to call the experts. Foundation cracks are often a sign of the need for foundation repair. This isn’t a unique problem. Foundations, like any other part of the home, need maintenance.

Why You Need a Pro

You may be wondering why you should spend money and time calling a professional for only a few cracks on the wall. You’re not alone. Many homeowners will either ignore or seek do-it-yourself solutions to the cracks in an attempt to avoid what they think would be an unnecessary expense. 

The problem with this is that foundation cracks often indicate a problem with the foundation, which if not properly repaired is likely to become a structural problem for the entire home. There’s also the problem of water seepage. Even cracks that aren’t allowing water through at the moment are likely to start leaking over time. You’ll end up with a wet basement that will result in further problems including damage of property as well as the growth of mold.

New York, NY | StablWall


Repairing a Bowing Foundation Wall

Foundation cracks are often the first thing you’ll notice when your foundation is in danger. They are one of the first signs of a bowing foundation wall. In this situation, even the strongest sealants will not protect your wall from further damage.

The bowing occurs as a result of high pressure from the soils surrounding the foundation wall. It is important to not only relieve this pressure but also to provide more support for the wall. The following are two popular ways of providing support for foundation walls.

  1. Re-bracing walls

This is one of the most popular methods of repairing bowing walls. Re-bracing the walls involves reinforcing the walls. The reinforcement may be in the form of carbon fiber strips or steel beams. This provides long term support to the wall ensuring that it will not shift under pressure from the outside.

  1. Anchors

Foundation anchors are installed in a bowing foundation wall to counteract the pressure that is exerted against the foundation wall. The anchors can be installed either on the inside or the outside of the foundation wall. They are installed under the foundation wall. Modern anchors can be installed in the earth without the need for excavation.

If you have bowing foundation walls, have a chat with a professional contractor about the different options available to you.

Potential Causes of a Failing Foundation | Cleveland, OH

Foundation wall repair  becomes more and more of an issue the older your foundation becomes, and with so many aging foundations in many areas throughout the U.S., it’s no surprise many homeowners are turning to more and more solutions for their failing foundations.

But what causes a foundation’s structure to fail over time? Water is actually an important piece in the puzzle when it comes to structural foundation damage. Below we will go over some scenarios in which the structural integrity of your home may be affected over time.

Cleveland, OH | StablWall

1. Addition of water to the surrounding soil. Soil expansion can be attributed many foundation problems, including cracking along the mortar joints, horizontal cracking, and walls bowing inward. These are considered potential serious structural risks, and should be addressed immediately.

2. Subtraction of water form the surrounding soil. In some cases, a home’s foundation can be damaged by over-settling due to water leaving the soil around the home. This over-settling can large cracks in the concrete floor slab, as well as large diagonal cracks near the corners of your foundation.

3. Poor construction. Sometimes, a home is built upon soil that was poorly compacted, setting the home up for continued foundation troubles for decades to come.   Poor wall construction methods and materials can also contribute to ongoing structural damage.

The earlier you can identify and resolve a structural foundation issue, the better. For the most part, the problem will only become worse, forcing you to pay for more expensive repair solutions or worse–a total wall rebuild. If you have any questions about your foundation wall repair options, feel free to contact us! (866.782.5955)

Bowing Walls: What Do I Do? Columbus, OH

Bowed basement walls result from too much pressure pushing up against basement walls. The pressure can build up from any number of factors including heavy rain, poor drainage in the soils surrounding the basement walls, buildup of underground water or inadequate grading of the basement walls.

When soil absorbs water, it expands. The same applies to the soil surrounding your basement walls. The expanding soil therefore presses against the foundation walls resulting in the buildup of pressure on the walls.

If the pressure continues unchecked, the walls will begin to cave in. Damage on the walls may begin as a horizontal crack or a leak in the foundation joints. If the problem is left unaddressed, the walls will begin to bow inward. These walls will eventually collapse causing your home to become unstable.

What You Shouldn’t Do

First of all, it is important to remember that fixing bowed walls is not a ’Do-It-Yourself’ job. It is something that you ought to leave to a professional foundation repair contractor. A professional will have the right training, skills, experience and equipment to repair bowing walls.

Trying to fix your own walls is dangerous and may end in a catastrophe for you and your home. Professionals are trained and understand the safety measures to take to ensure that there are no accidents.

It is also important to remember that quick fixes will not address the underlying problem with your foundation. So ensure that you have a long-term solution to save your foundation and your home. Applying quick fixes will only result in a more expensive problem as the damage continues to get worse.

What You Should Do

If you notice that you have bowing walls, contact a professional foundation repair contractor in your area as soon as possible. The contractor will come to your home and inspect the foundation walls. Then he will provide you with an estimate of how much it would cost to repair the wall.

Avoid using a contractor who gives you a quotation for the job without examining your foundation. A thorough examination of the foundation is the only way to identify the underlying problem and determine the best solution for the basement wall repair.

It is important to begin your search for foundation repair contractors as early as possible. This will ensure that you can shop around and compare prices and services. You will find a reliable contractor when you have enough time to look for one.

Wall Cracks | Atlanta, GA | StablWall

4 Signs Your Foundation Needs Help – Louisville, KY

You may have just begun to notice cracking and shifting along your foundation walls, or perhaps they’ve been there for a little while and you’ve simply let them go. Either way, your foundation is an incredibly important and purposeful part of your home.

Below is a short list of 4 signs your foundation needs some professional attention. Taking action early will ensure your foundation stays safe and sturdy, for good.

  1. Cracks in the Drywall Upstairs. Drywall cracks upstairs can be a good indicator that something is going on with your foundation. Foundation shifting can strain the upper structure of your home, causing visible damage on your walls upstairs.
  2. Water and Vertical Foundation Cracks. A cracking foundation can be a sign that external pressure and water buildup are taking a toll on your foundation walls. Before repairing, you may want to consider a comprehensive drainage system to help relieve some of the water pressure around your foundation.
  3. Windows and Doors Difficult to Open Upstairs. Similarly to cracking drywall, you may experience some additional issues upstairs. As your foundation shifts, you may notice it’s a bit more difficult to open windows and sliding glass doors. This is due to your foundation shifting and stressing the upper floors of your home.
  4. Horizontal Foundation Cracks and Bowing Walls. Due to strong external pressures pushing in against your foundation walls, you may notice a large horizontal crack in the middle of your wall. This occurs mainly in cinder block walls, and is generally accompanied by the wall bowing in toward the middle. Bowing walls are a critical juncture in the life of your foundation; either repair immediately, or risk a potential wall collapse.

Bowing Foundation – Distinguish Between Bulging and Leaning – New York, NY

Bowing Foundation

Do you have a bowing foundation? It is important to determine whether you’re dealing with a bulged or leaning wall. Making the distinction will help in determining the exact location of damage and the underlying cause. This information will go a long way in deciding the best course of action to take in repairing the foundation.

Signs of bulging

You will need to take measurements of the bowing using a weighted string. Measure the distance between the wall and the weighted string at different points along a vertical line. If the difference between the distance between the string and the wall measured at the top of the wall is greater than that taken at the bottom of the wall, you can say that the wall has bulged.

If your foundation is of masonry block, you will notice horizontal cracks forming in one or more mortar joints near the bulged area. The widest cracks will be located at the point of the greatest inward bulging.

Signs of leaning

You can also use a weighted string to diagnose the leaning of a foundation wall. The measurements in this case should increase gradually from the floor to the top of the wall. If this is the case, then the wall is leaning inward.

The measurements may increase gradually in any direction and not necessarily vertically. Foundations often do not lean in the most obvious direction. The leaning is the result of the surrounding soil pushing against the bottom of the wall and not the top.

Consider the type of foundation

It is important to consider what construction was used for your foundation before you begin looking for signs of bulging or leaning. This is because the same force can have different effects on different types of foundations. Therefore, bulging on a poured concrete slab foundation will appear different from bulging in masonry block foundations.

Bulging is rare in poured concrete foundations. This is because the wall is a single unit. It is therefore difficult for this type of foundation to bulge even when there is a force acting on a single point of the foundation.

Bulging is more common in masonry block foundations. There are various weak points in this type of wall that result in bulging and cracking of the wall.

Even with this information, it is still important to have a thorough inspection of your foundation. This will help you choose the most effective method for foundation repair.

Bowing Cinder Block | Chicago, IL | StablWall

The Dangers of a Bowing Foundation Wall

Bowing Foundation Wall

Have you noticed cracks on your foundation wall? These are some of the early signs of a bowing foundation wall. This is a serious problem that is caused by inward pressure acting against the foundation wall.

In many instances, the inward pressure is caused by soil or water in the soil. The bowing occurs when the pressure against the wall exceeds the strength of the wall to counteract it. The result is the inward bowing of the wall.

Why You Should Be Concerned

If you’ve noticed that you have a bowing foundation wall, it is important to get it attended to as soon as possible. The following are some reasons why bowing of the foundation walls shouldn’t be ignored:

  1. The wall may collapse

Ignoring the foundation wall is not the answer. Your situation will not get any better. It is only bound to get worse. If not attended to as soon as possible, the foundation wall is likely to collapse under the pressure acting against it. Your foundation is an integral part of your building. If it collapses, your building will not have the support it did before and is likely to collapse as well.

  1. Fixtures and pipes will be damaged

Whether the wall collapses or not, it will affect the fixtures and pipes that run along or within it. The bowing may result in bending of fixtures or increased pressure on fixtures. This will result in damage that can be expensive to repair. The damage may also result in a chain reaction of different problems including risks of electrocution, burst gas pipes and much more.

  1. Bowing may result in moisture problems

Wall cracks often characterize a bowing foundation wall. These cracks allow water from the surrounding soil to seep through. This will result in water problems in the basement including mold infestations, damp, rot, flooding and much more. These problems are not only a nuisance but may affect your health. They are also quite expensive to recover from.

  1. Bowing causes other structural problems

Even if the bowing in your foundation wall doesn’t appear severe, the truth is that it will cause other structural problems. You may experience sticking of windows or doors, cracks in doorways and other structural problems.

It is always a good idea to have a bowing foundation wall repaired as soon as you notice it. This will prevent the development of even more serious problems. Contact us today!

Bowed Basement Walls | Col, OH | StablWall

Techniques for Bowing Foundation Wall Repair

Bowing Foundation Wall Repair

When you see cracks forming on your foundation wall, the first thing you should do is to call the experts. Foundation cracks are often a sign of the need for foundation repair. This isn’t a unique problem. Foundations, like any other part of the home, need maintenance.

Why You Need a Pro

You may be wondering why you should spend money and time calling a professional for only a few cracks on the wall. You’re not alone. Many homeowners will either ignore or seek do-it-yourself solutions to the cracks in an attempt to avoid what they think would be an unnecessary expense.

The problem with this is that foundation cracks often indicate a problem with the foundation, which if not properly repaired is likely to become a structural problem for the entire home. There’s also the problem of water seepage. Even cracks that aren’t allowing water through at the moment are likely to start leaking over time. You’ll end up with a wet basement that will result in further problems including damage of property as well as the growth of mold.

Repairing a Bowing Foundation Wall

Foundation cracks are often the first thing you’ll notice when your foundation is in danger. They are one of the first signs of a bowing foundation wall. In this situation, even the strongest sealants will not protect your wall from further damage.

The bowing occurs as a result of high pressure from the soils surrounding the foundation wall. It is important to not only relieve this pressure but also to provide more support for the wall. The following are two popular ways of providing support for foundation walls.

  1. Re-bracing walls

This is one of the most popular methods of repairing bowing walls. Re-bracing the walls involves reinforcing the walls. The reinforcement may be in the form of carbon fiber strips or steel beams. This provides long term support to the wall ensuring that it will not shift under pressure from the outside.

  1. Anchors

Foundation anchors are installed in a bowing foundation wall to counteract the pressure that is exerted against the foundation wall. The anchors can be installed either on the inside or the outside of the foundation wall. They are installed under the foundation wall. Modern anchors can be installed in the earth without the need for excavation.

If you have bowing foundation walls, have a chat with a professional contractor about the different options available to you.

Bowing Cinder Block | Philidelphia, PA | StablWall

Invest in Professional Bowing Foundation Wall Systems

Bowing Foundation Wall

Have you spotted cracks on your foundation walls? Do your walls seem to be bulging inward? You may be dealing with a bowing foundation wall. While you may be tempted to ignore these signs, they are only bound to get worse. You’re not only endangering your family but also reducing the value of your home. According to the National Realtors Association (NRA), bowing foundation walls result in a 50% loss in home value at the least.

If it’s any consolation, this type of foundation problem is not uncommon. The Concrete Foundations Association’s (CFA) data shows that 59% of foundation repairs have to do with bowing walls. One of the major causes is unstable soils. Other causes include hydrostatic pressure and poor construction.

Professional Systems

The good news is that there are various contemporary solutions that professionals can provide you with. A professional inspection of your foundation must be carried out first. This ensures that the underlying cause of the bowing is determined. The contractor is therefore able to apply the right solution.

Some common contemporary solutions for a bowing foundation wall include:

  • Installation of carbon fiber sheets or strips

This is one of the most effective and easiest ways to repair bowing foundation walls. The carbon fiber offers 10 times the strength and resistance of steel beams. Installing these steel beams is easy and noninvasive. Work can be completed in a matter of hours.

  • Helical anchors

Helical anchors are used where damage is the result of instability. The anchors provide stability to foundation. These anchors are installed beneath the foundation where they offer the same stability as if the foundation was set on bedrock.

The installation process is minimally invasive. The anchors are sunk into the ground without causing a lot of disturbance to the surface of the soil. They are easy to conceal and offer a long term solution to bowing and instability.

  • Steel wall braces

These are designed to provide support to walls that are bowing inward. They consist of steel beams that are fitted onto walls. They can be tightened as time goes and are therefore a great choice for walls that have bowed extensively. They can be used to restore a bowing foundation wall back to its original position over time.

It is important to talk to your contractor and determine the best solution for your bowing foundation wall. Choose a solution that will provide you with long term benefits.