carbon fiber sheets

Reasons to Choose Carbon Fiber Sheets over Strips

Carbon Fiber Sheets

When faced with the repair of a foundation wall, you will have various options available to you. If your foundation wall requires extra support, you will need a system that can provide strength to the wall for the long term.

Advancements in technology have resulted in great advances in the construction industry. One of the greatest being the introduction of carbon fiber for repair and construction of foundations.

If you’re considering carbon fiber for the repair of your foundation, you will have the choice of using strips or sheets. The following are some reasons to choose carbon fiber sheets over strips:

  • They cover a larger surface area

This is an obvious one. Carbon fiber sheets cover a larger surface area compared to strips. They are therefore beneficial when dealing with extensive damage in a foundation wall. They also provide more support to the wall than strips will provide. They are a great long term solution for a bowing wall.

  • They are simple to install

This depends on the level of skill of the contractor you choose as well as the size of the wall. In general, however, installing sheets is much easier and faster than installing strips. Sheets cover a larger surface area meaning you will only need to install a single sheet where you would have had to install several strips. The work will be done in a matter of hours.

  • Provide a great appearance

When the installation is complete, you can easily hide the sheets under a coat of paint or any other finish you desire. The sheet’s continuous surface provides the perfect canvas for any finish. It is the perfect solution for a finished basement.

Last Word

Carbon fiber sheets are the perfect solution for the repair of bowed basement walls. However, some precautions must be taken in order to ensure great results. These include:

  1. Hiring a professional contractor

Hire a contractor who is trained and experienced in the installation of carbon fiber. This will ensure that they are able to install the sheets correctly.

  1. Choose a proven system

There are several systems in the market. Purchase a system that is tried and proven. Read reviews and talk to your foundation contractor about the choices available to you.

  1. Use the right epoxies

Manufacturers of different carbon fiber systems provide epoxies to be used alongside the sheets. Ensure that you use the epoxies as required by the manufacturer for the best results.

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